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You are interested in finances! The website „If Money could talk” gives you information about various topics related to finances! The focus being on finance and investments, mainly in the areas of equities, funds, stock exchange and asset accumulation!


Do you know a subject in school about money and your own finance? No! Despite financial education being indispensable, especially today. The government cannot afford the welfare state any longer. 

Examples, maybe?

  1. There are ever more cuts to the pensions due to generational changes. The politicians aim to put provision for the future into your hands!
  2. Another matter aside from pension is health! The benefits of the insurances are being cut ever further. There used to be many benefits included. These were paid by the insurances in the past. Today, there are add-on insurances or pay yourself!
  3. Successively, benefits for unemployment have been reduced ever further. Especially, the duration for the support has been shortened ever further. Unemployment benefit is only available for a maximum of 12 months. In the past it was 36 or 24 months. After that the only route is Hartz 4 (the name for the German welfare benefit).

You do not want to deal with poverty in your later days? You want to protect your family and your relations from financial difficulties? Your own health should not decline due to the standard benefit from the insurances?

Then act now! The government only takes limited responsibility. It is your responsibility to act!

For whom?

I would like to share this knowledge with you. I want to help people, who

  • had no desire to deal with the topic to date
  • have a lot of month left once the money ran out
  • have never learnt to deal with money
  • argue recurrently with partner or family over money
  • just want to learn something new


How can I help you? It is simple! Money is often a very personal subject. Fear and uncertainty provide reason to put off finances. Procrastination is not a solution. Financial problems grow slowly and become ever bigger!

Seize the topic actively! There are answers and solutions suited for your situation. For these my company offers various coached training sessions. For questions and dates please write an e-mail using the contact form or call (+49(0)1606226429)!

Start building your asset portfolio now! And strengthen your financial knowledge.


My name is Dario Schilling. I have a degree in information economics and live in the beautiful Munich. I can offer (in my portfolio) two decades of experience in finance and on the stock market.

I hope you enjoy reading and discovering and am always happy to receive your feedback.

Yours faithfully

Dario Schilling

Money, Money, Money

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